We are proud to announce the soft opening of our sister store, Kokoro. Specializing in kitchenware and ingredients imported from and inspired by Japan, the brand new store is located at 986 SW Morrison St, caddy corner from Kiriko Made, and provides a unique retail and grocery experience every day of the week.

While Kiriko offers artisanal fashion such as generations-old kimonos and vintage clothes remade with Kasuri fabric, Kokoro will focus exclusively on cuisine. “People only need a new jacket every year or two, but we eat three times a day," explains founder Katsu Tanaka. "The idea behind Kokoro is to encourage people to incorporate Japanese culture and craftsmanship into their daily lives."

With Kiriko Made occupying the NW corner of 10th and Morrison, and Kokoro now at the SE corner of the same intersection, locals and visitors alike will have ample opportunity to explore and be inspired by Japanese fashion, culture and cooking. And for those who can’t visit in person, products from both stores will be available online at kirikomade.com.