The word “kimono”, which means “a thing to wear,” is a traditional Japanese full-length robe that grew out of favor following the industrial revolution.
Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right and secured by a sash called an “obi.” Kimono is traditionally made out of “tanmono,” or a bolt of fabric. Each kimono is designed precisely to consume one roll of tanmono.
At Kiriko, we use every inch of fabric from each vintage fabric bolt we import—once the bolt is gone, no products will be made using the same fabric. Our kimono scarves and pocket squares are a means of repurposing and giving new life to kimonos that otherwise go unworn and are forgotten.
振り袖: Furisode
Furisode are the most formal style of kimono worn by unmarried women in Japan. The furisode is made of very fine, brightly colored silk, and is commonly rented or bought by parents for their daughters to wear when celebrating Coming of Age Day the year they turn 20.
留袖: Tomezome
Tomesode (留袖, literally fastened sleeve) are the most formal kimono worn by married women. They always have crests, and the patterns, which may incorporate gold and silver, are only below the waist.
There are two kinds of tomesode kuro (黒, black) and iro (色, coloured); kuro tomesode are the most formal, and always have five crests. They may be worn by guests at formal events like weddings. Iro tomesode can have any base color other than black, and may have one, three, or five crests.
袴: Hakama

A hakama(袴) is the skirt-like pants that some Aikidoka wear. It is a traditional piece of samurai clothing. While hakama used to be a required part of men's wear, nowadays typical Japanese men usually wear hakama only on extremely formal occasions and at tea ceremonies, weddings, and funerals.
喪服: Mofuku
Mofuku(喪服) is the mourning dress worn by both male and female. They wear a complete plain back silk with five crests over white undergarments and white tabi. As for women, obi and other accessories are also black. The completely black mourning clothes is for family and those who are close to the deceased.